Is there free parking?
Yes! Located kitty-cornered to AAD on Cleveland Ave.
Behind the new Black Barrel Tavern Restaurant (white building) it is the fenced in lot
What are the studio hours?
Monday - Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm
Friday 9:00am-12:00 & 3:00-6:30pm
Saturday 8:30am-2:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-5:30pm
What's the missed class policy?
We offer up to 3 make-up classes per class per session for Recreational dancers.
For a make-up class you may pick any available class that is the same time length and age range as your dancers current class.
Dancers are unable to do make-ups in full classes.
Make-up classes do not roll over between sessions.
No make-up classes can be scheduled during the final two weeks of Fall & Winter/Spring session.
During the winter and spring we do not encourage make-ups past March 1st as they will be learning their recital dances and could fall behind in their class and be confused learning a different dance in their make up class.
What should my dancer wear to class?
It is most important that your dancer is comfortable in their clothing for class, what is required above all else is the correct shoes for that genre (tap, jazz, ballet, tennishoes).
Clothing Recommendations:
Ballet: Tights, leotards, skirt, tutu leotard, leggings, shorts
Tap, Jazz, Broadway Bound, Popstar Dance Party: Leggings, shorts, t-shirts, leotards
Hip hop: Pants, sweatpants, shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes
Acro: Leotards & shorts/leggings are encouraged
*No jeans, dresses, or skirts!
When can I drop off my dancer?
For Youth and Lower Division dancers please do not drop your dancer off any earlier than 10min before class begins. We encourage 5min prior to class start time.
How do I drop off/pick up?
North & Cleveland:
You may use 15-minute flashing spots next to the studio along Cleveland.
Please do not double-park next to cars in the 15-minute zone​
For older children: You may drop off in front of the studio on North Ave. The driver must stay in the vehicle and may only pull over for a moment for the child to unload safely and go into AAD.
If you are running late please give us a call and we will keep your dancer at the desk.
Can I do a drop-in class?
Fall Session: Of course! We encourage you to enroll your dancer in the entire session so they keep growing and learning with the rest of the class, but yes you can!
Winter/Spring: We encourage you to enroll your dancer in the full session because each week the kids will continue to add onto their recital dance that they will perform in June.
Do you offer free trials?
Free trials are offered for new students at AAD.
If you are a current student and want to try a new class we encourage taking a drop in class before enrolling in the session!
Can I watch my dancer?
Caregivers are welcome to drop off or stay and observe. For all classes 3yrs+ the observation window curtain will remain closed until the last 10 minutes of class. We find having the curtain closed allows the dancers to stay focused and engaged!
Where can I purchase dancewear/shoes?
We have limited dance apparel available for purchase in-studio! We are currently transitioning to an online apparel platform. Click here for our online store!