AAD Pre-Teen & Teen (4th-12th Grade)
Ballet I: Beginning level 60-minute Ballet class for dancers with little to no experience! In this class dancers will learn beginner ballet technique and terminology.
Ballet II: Intermediate level 60-minute Ballet class. Dancers will build on techniques and skills learned in previous Ballet classes. Must have a recommendation from an AAD teacher or trial class and get teachers approval to enroll.

Ballet I & II:
(4th+ grouped by age)
Take your hip hop moves to the next level in this 60-minute beginning to intermediate class! Dancers will train with professional Hip Hop dancers and learn Hip Hop fundamentals and trendy moves in a fun, judgment-free zone!

Hop Hop:
(4th + grouped by age)
Jazz I: Beginning level 60-minute Jazz class for dancers with little to no experience! Beginning Jazz techniques and skills will be taught in this fun and high energy class!
Jazz II: Intermediate level Jazz class. Dancers will build on techniques and skills learned in previous Jazz classes. Must have a recommendation from an AAD teacher or trial class and get teachers approval to enroll.

Jazz I & II:
(4th + grouped by age)
This class is for dancers who are passionate about Hip Hop and may be interested in auditioning for the Hip Hop Company. This 60-minute class will cover various styles of Hip Hop and will prepare dancers for AAD Hip Hop Company auditions.

HH Company Prep:
(4th + grouped by age)
Modern I: Beginning level 60-minute Modern class for dancers with little to no experience! Dancers will learn beginning Modern skills and technique.
Modern II: Intermediate level 60-minute Modern class. Dancers will build on techniques and skills learned in previous Modern classes. Must have a recommendation from a teacher or trial class and get teachers approval to enroll.
Modern/Lyrical: For dancers who love storytelling, this 60-minute class teaches dancers how movement with music and lyrics can bring a story to life. No prior Modern or Lyrical experience needed but 1-2 years of dance experience recommended.

Modern I, II, & Lyrical:
(4th+ grouped by age))
This class is for dancers looking to further their technique in Ballet, Jazz & Modern. This 2.5-hour class will focus on preparing dancers for AAD Company Program auditions.